Sunday, August 22, 2010

George Pérez is Everywhere!

Saturday morning, George Pérez arrived, and he was non-stop all day! Everywhere I went, there he was! I swear, I thought I took a lot more pictures than these measly 7. What was I thinking??

Early that morning, George stopped by my table with his copy of the program AND ASKED FOR MY AUTOGRAPH!!! Wow!!! And I, in turn, got him to sign my copy of Marvel Fanfare #10, specifically page 5. Do you see a little of Ultra Fem in there? Or maybe a LOT? I sure do! Until a couple of years ago, when I opened this book for the first time in like 10 years, I'd never realized how much my work is influenced by George.

Next time, it's the LAST DAY of the con!


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